Other Key Policies

Policy Downloads

Publication Date
STEP Adverse Weather Policy 07th Dec 2021
STEP CCTV Policy 17th Jul 2024
STEP Charging and Remissions Policy 31st Jul 2022
STEP Communication Policy 30th Apr 2021
STEP Credit Control and Debt Management Policy 31st Dec 2022
STEP Curriculum Policy 22nd Dec 2022
STEP Dealing with Allegation of Abuse against Teachers and other Staff Policy 17th Jul 2024
STEP Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS Policy 17th Jul 2024
STEP Education of Children with a Parent in Prison Policy 30th Apr 2023
STEP Governor and Trustee Expenses Policy 31st Dec 2020
STEP Governor Induction Policy 17th Jul 2024
STEP Governor Visits Policy 31st Dec 2022
STEP Intimate Care Policy 31st Mar 2023
STEP Lettings Policy 30th Apr 2022
STEP Medical Needs Policy 31st Mar 2023
STEP Missing Child and Collection From School (Including walking home alone) Policy 23rd Jul 2024
STEP Nursery and Early Years Home Visits Policy 27th Mar 2024
STEP Off Site Policy 30th Mar 2023
STEP Online Safety Policy 23rd Jul 2024
STEP Recruitment Policy 31st Dec 2021
STEP Relationship Education and Relationships Sex Education Policy 30th Apr 2023
STEP Remote Learning Policy 31st Dec 2023
STEP Rights Respecting Schools Engagement Policy 30th Apr 2022
STEP Separated Parents Policy 30th Apr 2023
STEP Social Media Policy 17th Jul 2024
STEP Teaching and Learning Policy 31st Dec 2023
STEP Visitors Policy including process for dealing with unacceptable behaviour on academy premises 31st Jul 2021
STEP Whistleblowing Policy 31st Dec 2023
STEP Young Carers Policy 31st Dec 2023